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شهداء الإستقلال الثاني للجنوب

::..منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب..::

العودة   منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب > الأ قسام السياسية > منتدى التوثيق والمراسلة مع منظمات المجتمع والهيئات والوكالات الدولية

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 2011-03-13, 12:07 AM   #21
أبوزيد الضالعي
قلـــــم نشيـط جــــداً
تاريخ التسجيل: 2010-11-11
المشاركات: 212

Overview of South-Yemen Issue (South Arabia)

(To every fact-finder and whoever is keen on justice)

Introduction and Classification:-

The official and media attitudes and views towards the Southern issue locally and internationally, have shown a deep misunderstanding of its nature. Particularly, there is lack of knowledge in the historical, political and legal foundations that reflect the Justice and legitimacy of this issue and its main objectives, which lie in the disengagement from the Yemeni regime and the restoration of the Southern independent country. That is all to be achieved by conducting a referendum on self-determination for the south. Thus, we have decided to write this overview, inorder to establish a foundation stone for our case, which will eventually lead the observers to make a logical and fair opinions. As southern youths, we have been concerned with the wrong addressing for our issue, and we believe that this message though not detailed can give a key understanding to explore and identify the merits of the case, not as how the Yemeni regime misrepresented it. Since we respect our readers and believe in the legitimacy of our case, we have only highlighted the significant facts and historical events, which formed the southern issue and produced its implications impartially, without a prior imposition of personal interpretation and analysis. Based on the latter mentioned, we have divided the topic into three main sections:

First: a brief historical background on the Southern Case:

The emergence of the southern issue goes back to the 22 May 1990, the date of declaring the merge unity between the Yemen Arab Republic (North) and People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (South). Substantially, Yemeni unity has failed, because the Northern regime aborted all the attempts to reform it or reach a compromise between the two sides. Accordingly, the Sana'a regime totally eliminated the unity project and replaced it with forced annexation of the south land and people by force of arms, in a devastating (72) days war. This in turn, ended in the exclusion of the southern partner, and the displacement of its leadership who signed the unity treaty, and eventually expelled most of the southern officials outside the county. In addition, many Southerners were also referred to trial and were sentenced to death. Most of which still live overseas up to this moment, including three former southern presidents. This is in general the substance of the matter. Because the present is an extension to the past and it is actually based on it, a brief historical overview has to be given inorder to understand the southern issue thoroughly based on the mentioned facts. So, the below points are brief historical background to approach the topic:

1)on 19 January 1839, After encountering a fierce resistance and asymmetrical warfare with the people of Aden, the British occupied the city, which was then following the Sultanate of Abdally, one of the sheikhdom and sultanates of the so-called South Arabia located on the geographic area stretching from the Sultanate of Oman in the east to the strait of Bab-el Mandeb and the Red sea in the west, and from the Arab Sea in the south, to borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the state of the Shia Zaidi Imams late known as the Arab Republic of Yemen. That Shiite Zaidi state ruled North Yemen for more the a thousand years (late third century AH until the late fourteenth century AH), during which failed in numerous attempts to takeover South Arabia.

(Map illustrates the territory of South Arabia and its capital Aden, and Arab Republic of Yemen and its capital Sana'a)

2)The British occupation lasted in South Arabia (later People's Democratic Republic of Yemen) for one hundred and twenty-nine years, during which the Southerners continued in their resistance and uprisings against this occupation. This in turn, culminated in launch of the revolution in 14 October 1963, which adopted armed struggle against the British for four years. This finally resulted in the departure of colonialism and attaining the independence in 30 November 1967. Then, the People's Republic of South Yemen was declared and led by the National Liberation Front, which was affected by nationalism and leftist (socialist) ideology in the fifties and sixties of last century.

3)The independent state led by the National Liberation Front, eliminated the all the previous sheikhdoms, sultanates, and emirates and also displaced their leaders. The new republic was then divided into six governorates, Aden, Lahj, Abyan, Shabwah, Hadramout, and Mahara.
( Map of People's Democratic Republic of Yemen according to that division)
In 1969 the country adopted the Scientific socialist thought in nationalizing the private properties the escape of national capitals to neighboring countries. Thus, it was loyal to the eastern bloc and accordingly the Socialist Party of Yemen was established in October 1978, and the name of the country changed to the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. One of its main objectives was to attain the unity with the Arab Republic of Yemen, which was declared in 26 September 1962, after a military coup against the Zaidi Imami rule, and became in contrast, a semi-capitalist country, amd was loyal to the western bloc. As a result to the systematic difference between the two sides, three wars have erupted followed by negotiating sessions, leading to agreements on achieving the unity between the two countries, which somehow failed in the beginnings.

4)On 22 May, 1990, the unity was declared between the two ruling systems, represented by presidents Ali Adullah Saleh of Arab Republic of Yemen, and Ali Salem Al-Beidh of People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. The declaration set a transition stage for two years and six months, during which the institutions of two countries will be integrated, and establishing of the new state, which was called (Republic of Yemen), will be completed. A referendum on the unity was not conducted for peoples of the two countries. However, none of the conventions and signed treaties, was implemented during or after the transitional period. This was a historical glance on the south issue, which we believe is important to understand it clearly.

Second: The emergence of the South Issue and its stages of development:

The southern issue have been through three main stages:

First stage: The emergence of the issue (22/5/1990- to- 7/7/1994):

The emergence of the south issue associated and synchronized with the declaration of the unity between the Arab Republic of Yemen and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen on 22 May, 1990, under a new state named the Republic of Yemen. This unity was born crippled and unable to move or even stand properly, as stated in evidence below:

I)Once the unity achieved, it was obvious that the northern regime had already an implicit intention to take over the south and add it into its authority particularly, to acquire the vast land (350.000 square kilometer), the strategic ,wide long shores, and its rich natural resources, which was considered as war booty for the northern regime. This was clearly demonstrated in their attitude after the unity, and was confirmed in the testimonies of their leaders which was mentioned in recently published diaries of Sheikh Abdullah Bin Hussain Al-Ahmer and Sheikh Sinan Abu-Luhoom . In contrast, the unity was seen by the southerners as a national dream to build a modern and prosperous Yemen.

II)The southern leadership moved to Sana'a, the capital city of the new state, as per the unity treaty. This leadership also waived the presidential position to the northern regime, inorder to demonstrate a sincere intention and a willingness to build a modern and stable Yemen. However, they were surprised by the Yemeni regime reneging the unity agreements and aborting all the attempts to fulfill them during the transition period. Not only this, but also tried actively to get rid of the southern partner by all legal and illegal means. Consequently, the institutions merge between the two countries failed, except of ostensible merges in presidency, parliament, and government leaderships. Most of the institutions remained under their previous leadership, even though following apparently the cabinet of the unity. The military and security forces specifically did not witness any kind of merge, and each followed its own commandership before the unity.

III)Sana'a regime took practical measures to exclude its partner, for instance by recruiting the extremist of Afghanistan (Mujahedeen) to assassinate the most prominent leaders of the south based on ideological and religious justifications. This resulted in assassinating (152) leaders, during the transition stage only, without arresting any of the convicts. Due to the absolute rejection for the unity project from Sana'a leaders, a Political crisis emerged between the partners only three months after the declaration of unity. Accordingly, president of south Ali Salem Al-Beidh moved back to Aden and refused to return to Sana'a unless the northern leadership accomplishes all the unity agreements, and considers the south with its national project a real partner in the unity. Nevertheless, all of what was agreed upon with the mediation committees, was reneged by the north before the ink is dry! It was not until the 1993 elections were held, when all the southern people voted for their leaders who refused the injustice and exclusion of the south partner.

IV)Although, aborting and disabling all the unity agreements by the northern regime, was enough for the south to declare the disengagement from the unity, and reinstate to the situation before 1990. On the basis of the greatness of the unity achievement and the southern leadership desire to maintain it, the southerners with other progressive forces under Arab and international auspices, tried to reach a new formula that will help in building a unified and modern Yemen, instead of returning to the previous situation. A of Pledge and Accord between northern and southern leaders was signed in Amman, Jordan on 20 February 1994, but this agreement though ineffective in the solving the problem in its different aspects, it was seen by the Yemeni president and his political partner (Islamic Reform Party- Al-Eslah), as a threat and a real coup on their tribal family project to rule Yemen. When they realized that this agreement might end their regime, they signed it apparently under local and regional pressure, while the took in advance their decision take a military action against the southern progressive national plans. Yemeni regime announced the war against the south by its president from Al-Sabeen square(Seventeenth Square) in Sana'a in 27/4/1994. Then, the military activities started in 5/5/1994, and the theatre of operations was on the southern land.

أبوزيد الضالعي غير متواجد حالياً  

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المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
رسالة تعريفية بالقضية الجنوبية(للتعميم والنشر)أول رسائل فريق المراسلة(واصل) رفيق الجنوب منتدى التوثيق والمراسلة مع منظمات المجتمع والهيئات والوكالات الدولية 61 2019-01-14 01:39 PM
تثقيف ابناء الجنوب بالقضية الجنوبية ..! *الغريب* المنتدى السياسي 16 2011-04-09 08:53 PM
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موضوع الأخ بائع المسك (رسالة تعريفية بالقضية الجنوبية) أبوزيد الضالعي منتدى التوثيق والمراسلة مع منظمات المجتمع والهيئات والوكالات الدولية 5 2011-03-05 03:18 PM
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نحب أن نحيط علمكم أن منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب منتديات مستقلة غير تابعة لأي تنظيم أو حزب أو مؤسسة من حيث الانتماء التنظيمي بل إن الإنتماء والولاء التام والمطلق هو لوطننا الجنوب العربي كما نحيطكم علما أن المواضيع المنشورة من طرف الأعضاء لا تعبر بالضرورة عن توجه الموقع إذ أن المواضيع لا تخضع للرقابة قبل النشر