الرئيسية التسجيل مكتبي  

|| إلى كل أبناء الجنوب الأبطال في مختلف الميادين داخل الوطن وخارجة لا تخافوا ولا تخشوا على ثورة الجنوب التحررية,وطيبوا نفسا فثورة الجنوب اليوم هيا بنيانًا شُيد من جماجم الشهداء وعُجن ترابه بدماء الشهداء والجرحى فهي أشد من الجبال رسوخًا وأعز من النجوم منالًا,وحاشا الكريم الرحمن الرحيم أن تذهب تضحياتكم سدى فلا تلتفتوا إلى المحبطين والمخذلين وليكن ولائكم لله ثم للجنوب الحبيب واعلموا ان ثورة الجنوب ليست متربطة بمصير فرد او مكون بل هي ثورة مرتبطة بشعب حدد هدفة بالتحرير والاستقلال فلا تهنوا ولا تحزنوا فالله معنا وناصرنا إنشاء الله || |

شهداء الإستقلال الثاني للجنوب

::..منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب..::

العودة   منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب > الأ قسام السياسية > المنتدى السياسي

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 2008-04-11, 07:21 AM   #1
ابن الجنوب العوذلي
قلـــــم نشيـط جــــداً
تاريخ التسجيل: 2008-03-25
المشاركات: 167
افتراضي تبدا الثوره بلعتصامات وتنتهي بلكفاح المسلح؟

نعم اذا نضرا الى الثوره في جميع انحا العالم وبشكل خاص ثوره 14الكتوبر كيف بدت ومن اين ولماذا؟

بعد ما الشعب يثور من يوقفه لا يستطيع احد يوقفه لن شعب صانع المعجزات وكان الارض تتفجر بركان

اذا عانا الشعب من ضلم ومن استبدا ومن شموليه يبدا بلاعتصامات وبعدها المسيرات وبعدها بلكفاح المسلح ؟

والكفاح المسلاح لا يريد احد يقوده بلكل خمسه اشخاص تقوم بعمليه ضد المحتل وترك توقيه تحرير الجنوب العربي؟

عند ما يقول لك غضب شعبي تعرف ان هناك ثوره قادمه ان شاء المحتل او اباء ؟

المقاومه تضرب كل ما شافته من المحتل سو ان كان هناك نقطه تفتيش طقم عسكري في الشارع حتى يكون عاى يقين عدونا ان الخروج هوا الحل ؟

يا ابنا الجنوب لكم النصر في ثورتكم الثانيه لا يطفيها الاخروج المحتل نعم انه بدايت الثوره
والله ينصر كم وتبقاء الجنوب حره ابيه

يد بيد من اجل تحرير الجنوب
ابن الجنوب العوذلي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2008-04-11, 08:46 AM   #2
ابوليث الشعيبي
تاريخ التسجيل: 2007-09-01
المشاركات: 624

يد بيد من اجل تحرير الجنوب
ابوليث الشعيبي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2008-04-12, 12:00 AM   #3
ابن الجنوب العوذلي
قلـــــم نشيـط جــــداً
تاريخ التسجيل: 2008-03-25
المشاركات: 167

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابوليث الشعيبي مشاهدة المشاركة
يد بيد من اجل تحرير الجنوب

مرورك اسعدني تسلم اخي ابو ليث

يد بيد من اجل تحرير الجنوب
ابن الجنوب العوذلي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2008-04-11, 10:45 AM   #4
قلـــــم جديــد
تاريخ التسجيل: 2008-02-13
المشاركات: 27

الكفاح المسلح
في هذه الضروف
وفي ضل الخلافات الموجوده
بين ابناء الجنوب
لاتخدم القضيه
بالعكس النضال السلمي
من مضاهرات واحتجاجات
هو الانسب في هذه الضروف
[flash=http://saaid.net/flash/ellalhabeb.swf]WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=350[/flash]
بسام غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2008-04-12, 12:06 AM   #5
ابن الجنوب العوذلي
قلـــــم نشيـط جــــداً
تاريخ التسجيل: 2008-03-25
المشاركات: 167

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بسام مشاهدة المشاركة
الكفاح المسلح
في هذه الضروف
وفي ضل الخلافات الموجوده
بين ابناء الجنوب
لاتخدم القضيه
بالعكس النضال السلمي
من مضاهرات واحتجاجات
هو الانسب في هذه الضروف

اخي بسام الثوره قامت والشعب ثاروسلاح وهو الفاصل ولحنا لها تسلم واللله يعطيك العافيه

يد بيد من اجل تحرير الجنوب
ابن الجنوب العوذلي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2008-04-11, 05:51 PM   #6
قلـــــم ذهبـــــي
تاريخ التسجيل: 2007-08-26
المشاركات: 4,549

ثـــــو رتــــنــــــاء بالـــــدم مكتوبه
قايدها باعوم والنوبه
الشنفره غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2008-04-12, 12:13 AM   #7
ابن الجنوب العوذلي
قلـــــم نشيـط جــــداً
تاريخ التسجيل: 2008-03-25
المشاركات: 167

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الشنفره مشاهدة المشاركة
ثـــــو رتــــنــــــاء بالـــــدم مكتوبه
قايدها باعوم والنوبه

نعم بالدم مكتوبه والي ما اعجبه شرب من البحر وحنالها
مرورك اسعدني اخي الشتفره

يد بيد من اجل تحرير الجنوب
ابن الجنوب العوذلي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2008-04-11, 07:13 PM   #8
Alzeer Salim
قلـــــم نشيـط
تاريخ التسجيل: 2008-04-10
المشاركات: 54

International lawyers from Brussels and Amsterdam and New York intend to prosecute Saleh for the killing and looting.

Ali Abdullah Saleh is the illegal President of Yemen claiming democracy to the world & supporting terrorism.

When he was in Belgium&EU i did my best for distributions of this letter on all niveau's and in all possible ***************.
Also i called for actions&demonstrations agaist his visit.
If you want to short it or to translate it to Arabic! never mind.
My aim is just let the world to know the truth clearly in order to act fairly.
If you have any question! do not hesitate to mail me.
Thanks for your struggle for South Yemen/Arabia.

To the free world:
To the press:
To whome it may concerns:

Ali Abdullah Saleh is the illegal President of Yemen claiming democracy to the world & supporting terrorism.

(just some facts describing the situation and the suffering of our people in South Arabia)
I believe it is my national, ethical and human duty to submit this letter to deliver the oppressed cries of the Yemeni people in South as well as in North. Who are searching for salvation, emancipation, and liberation from the iron grip of the corrupt, terrorist, and dictatorial family regime in Yemen .
I put you in front of historical and human responsibilities to help the people of Yemen who need the help of the free world to make the changes possible. They do not have hope to see changes accept from outside sources because of the nature and brutal mentality of this family regime.
May you have followed, with regret and concern, the bloody tragic events that are occurring in Yemen on daily basis. When the people of Yemen are almost out of a war even the dictatorial regime enters them into a new war, because the mentality of this tribal family regime, which relies on the wars and the instability to survival for the longest possible time in power, so this regime/gang could loot more of the public wealth, as happening in this time. These wars are destroying the Yemeni economic, infrastructure, and building the military force that are no longer national troops, but it belongs to the ruling family of this gang in Yemen .

The interest of building a military force comes on the expense of education, health and social services of the Yemeni people in North and the confiscation of South in 7/7/1994.
The result is obvious that a backward tribal family gang controls the country by military force, looting and robbing the public wealth, violating the human rights, war crimes, crimes against the humanity.
Uneducated people whom lack of health and social services are suffering from poverty that lead to product a hotbed of the frightening terrorism, which is what actually happened in Yemen in this time.

This hotbed will remain a time-bomb. However, the governments of the international community as soon as possible have to dry up the source of the international terrorism that exists now in Yemen and his traditional allies before explosion.

I am calling for your caring about the security and safety of this country in South as well as in North that support freedom, hope, dream, life of dignity, and human rights.
However, because I am aware that this regime of the illegal President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh has produced a scary hotbed of the international terrorism and export it internationally. In fact, more than one incident recently happened in Yemen that can proves your knowledge towards the involvement of this backward tribal regime that supports terrorism and trains the terrorists in his regime camps in order to send them to Somalia , Iraq , Lebanon and elsewhere.

Ali Abdullah Saleh is:
1.The illegal President of Yemen, on the reins of the government by the gunpoint on July 17, 1978 in North Yemen up to this day.
2.The occupier of South Yemen on 7/7/1994 up to this moment.
3.The violater of ISC 924&931 regards South Yemen.
4.The changer of Yemeni map as follows:South Yemen=states of Ahmad(his son) and North Yemen=states of Ali(him self).
5.The responsible for four big files: Occupation of South Yemen,Terrorism,tribal wars and democracy in North Yemen.
6.The provider of all traditional allies of the terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, the Islamic Army of Aden-Abyan, and the Wahhabi movement in Yemen which led by AbdullMajid Al-Zandani (spiritual father of Osama bin Laden).
7.The violater of the UN Security Council decision to arrest AbdullMajid Al-Zandani, and to freeze his property for his financing and relationship with the international terrorism organizations.
8.The big lier to cooperate with investigation on the terrorist attack on the warship USS COLE, and the killing of the Spanish tourist in the city of Marub . Also, the terrorist incident of killing the three Americans doctors who served in Yemen for more than thirty years, providing medication and treatment for free.
9.Ali Abdullah Saleh called to take off the name of the terrorist AbdullMajid Al-Zandani from the blacklist.
10.The Yemeni regime orders his army to suppression and killing all the raising voices that demand legal rights.
11.On top of that the Yemenis people go on strikes day after day to adopt the peaceful struggle, through sit-ins and demonstrations facing the military forces of Ali Abdullah Saleh and his family.
12.So, where are the democracy and the human right; that Ali Abdullah Saleh is claiming, and receiving the international assistance for these commitments.
13.Behind every beating, arresting, and killing over all Yemen with iron fist.
14.The owner of the companies, banks, and trade in both parts of Yemen .

We ask you , your government and the free world to put an end to this backward tribal ruling family regime and provide peace and safety for all, can you please take the following requests into considerations.
1. Retreat from South Yemen up to the borders before 22 may 1990.
2.Helping the people in North Yemen to select their president in democratic manner.
3.Drying the source of terrorism in Yemen , in assistant the Yemeni people to salvation, liberation, and emancipation of the dictatorial and terrorist regime, in the con**** of the international war on terrorism.
4. Stop supporting the regime of this ruling family; financially or morally, but continue supporting the Yemeni people in South as well as in North away from the hands of this ruling family . However, it can not be a democratic regime that relies on military force and oppression to control over all parts of Yemen , nor can it fight the corruption and the terrorism, because it is corrupt and terrorist regime.
5. Declare that this existing regime of the ruling family in Yemen is not a partner in the fight against the terrorism. Since we believe in the freedom of speech and press we can not put our hands and cooperate with the dictatorial and terrorist regimes.
6. Pressure this dictatorship regime to extradite AbdullMajid Al-Zandani, and to freeze his property because of his relations to the terrorism organization.
7.Pressure the regime to release the political prisoners and the journalists.
8. Pressure this imposed family military regime not to closure the opponent newspapers and websites, and not to prevent the legitimate peaceful demonstrations.That reflects the Yemeni citizens’ demands to their national and historical rights that were taken away by this ruling family in both parts of Yemen.
9. looking at the visit of this illegal President of Yemen to your country to assesset hem and his military tribal family regime in order to declare it as a failure State,occupier of South Yemen and tyranny of North Yemen.
10.Looking at his delivery as soon as possible to The International Court of Justice for committing war crimes in South Yemen summer 1994,crimes against humanity and supporting the international terrorism.

Thank you for your possible help to the international community and the new orientation towards a world free from dictatorship and terrorism.

ياوعل راس الجبل حاني
مابايصوبك كل الي
يابوي وين العليماني ذي يطحن اللحم والعظمان
الضرب ذي بات حناني
معروف بلبندق التالي
انه قرح من قدا شبوه بدات من منطقه حبان
الرز جابوه برياني
لاكن الطباخ صومالي
ولي يساعده من سوق جاوه وباكستان
Alzeer Salim غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2008-04-12, 12:23 AM   #9
ابن الجنوب العوذلي
قلـــــم نشيـط جــــداً
تاريخ التسجيل: 2008-03-25
المشاركات: 167

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Alzeer Salim مشاهدة المشاركة
International lawyers from Brussels and Amsterdam and New York intend to prosecute Saleh for the killing and looting.

Ali Abdullah Saleh is the illegal President of Yemen claiming democracy to the world & supporting terrorism.

When he was in Belgium&EU i did my best for distributions of this letter on all niveau's and in all possible ***************.
Also i called for actions&demonstrations agaist his visit.
If you want to short it or to translate it to Arabic! never mind.
My aim is just let the world to know the truth clearly in order to act fairly.
If you have any question! do not hesitate to mail me.
Thanks for your struggle for South Yemen/Arabia.

To the free world:
To the press:
To whome it may concerns:

Ali Abdullah Saleh is the illegal President of Yemen claiming democracy to the world & supporting terrorism.

(just some facts describing the situation and the suffering of our people in South Arabia)
I believe it is my national, ethical and human duty to submit this letter to deliver the oppressed cries of the Yemeni people in South as well as in North. Who are searching for salvation, emancipation, and liberation from the iron grip of the corrupt, terrorist, and dictatorial family regime in Yemen .
I put you in front of historical and human responsibilities to help the people of Yemen who need the help of the free world to make the changes possible. They do not have hope to see changes accept from outside sources because of the nature and brutal mentality of this family regime.
May you have followed, with regret and concern, the bloody tragic events that are occurring in Yemen on daily basis. When the people of Yemen are almost out of a war even the dictatorial regime enters them into a new war, because the mentality of this tribal family regime, which relies on the wars and the instability to survival for the longest possible time in power, so this regime/gang could loot more of the public wealth, as happening in this time. These wars are destroying the Yemeni economic, infrastructure, and building the military force that are no longer national troops, but it belongs to the ruling family of this gang in Yemen .

The interest of building a military force comes on the expense of education, health and social services of the Yemeni people in North and the confiscation of South in 7/7/1994.
The result is obvious that a backward tribal family gang controls the country by military force, looting and robbing the public wealth, violating the human rights, war crimes, crimes against the humanity.
Uneducated people whom lack of health and social services are suffering from poverty that lead to product a hotbed of the frightening terrorism, which is what actually happened in Yemen in this time.

This hotbed will remain a time-bomb. However, the governments of the international community as soon as possible have to dry up the source of the international terrorism that exists now in Yemen and his traditional allies before explosion.

I am calling for your caring about the security and safety of this country in South as well as in North that support freedom, hope, dream, life of dignity, and human rights.
However, because I am aware that this regime of the illegal President of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh has produced a scary hotbed of the international terrorism and export it internationally. In fact, more than one incident recently happened in Yemen that can proves your knowledge towards the involvement of this backward tribal regime that supports terrorism and trains the terrorists in his regime camps in order to send them to Somalia , Iraq , Lebanon and elsewhere.

Ali Abdullah Saleh is:
1.The illegal President of Yemen, on the reins of the government by the gunpoint on July 17, 1978 in North Yemen up to this day.
2.The occupier of South Yemen on 7/7/1994 up to this moment.
3.The violater of ISC 924&931 regards South Yemen.
4.The changer of Yemeni map as follows:South Yemen=states of Ahmad(his son) and North Yemen=states of Ali(him self).
5.The responsible for four big files: Occupation of South Yemen,Terrorism,tribal wars and democracy in North Yemen.
6.The provider of all traditional allies of the terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, the Islamic Army of Aden-Abyan, and the Wahhabi movement in Yemen which led by AbdullMajid Al-Zandani (spiritual father of Osama bin Laden).
7.The violater of the UN Security Council decision to arrest AbdullMajid Al-Zandani, and to freeze his property for his financing and relationship with the international terrorism organizations.
8.The big lier to cooperate with investigation on the terrorist attack on the warship USS COLE, and the killing of the Spanish tourist in the city of Marub . Also, the terrorist incident of killing the three Americans doctors who served in Yemen for more than thirty years, providing medication and treatment for free.
9.Ali Abdullah Saleh called to take off the name of the terrorist AbdullMajid Al-Zandani from the blacklist.
10.The Yemeni regime orders his army to suppression and killing all the raising voices that demand legal rights.
11.On top of that the Yemenis people go on strikes day after day to adopt the peaceful struggle, through sit-ins and demonstrations facing the military forces of Ali Abdullah Saleh and his family.
12.So, where are the democracy and the human right; that Ali Abdullah Saleh is claiming, and receiving the international assistance for these commitments.
13.Behind every beating, arresting, and killing over all Yemen with iron fist.
14.The owner of the companies, banks, and trade in both parts of Yemen .

We ask you , your government and the free world to put an end to this backward tribal ruling family regime and provide peace and safety for all, can you please take the following requests into considerations.
1. Retreat from South Yemen up to the borders before 22 may 1990.
2.Helping the people in North Yemen to select their president in democratic manner.
3.Drying the source of terrorism in Yemen , in assistant the Yemeni people to salvation, liberation, and emancipation of the dictatorial and terrorist regime, in the con**** of the international war on terrorism.
4. Stop supporting the regime of this ruling family; financially or morally, but continue supporting the Yemeni people in South as well as in North away from the hands of this ruling family . However, it can not be a democratic regime that relies on military force and oppression to control over all parts of Yemen , nor can it fight the corruption and the terrorism, because it is corrupt and terrorist regime.
5. Declare that this existing regime of the ruling family in Yemen is not a partner in the fight against the terrorism. Since we believe in the freedom of speech and press we can not put our hands and cooperate with the dictatorial and terrorist regimes.
6. Pressure this dictatorship regime to extradite AbdullMajid Al-Zandani, and to freeze his property because of his relations to the terrorism organization.
7.Pressure the regime to release the political prisoners and the journalists.
8. Pressure this imposed family military regime not to closure the opponent newspapers and websites, and not to prevent the legitimate peaceful demonstrations.That reflects the Yemeni citizens’ demands to their national and historical rights that were taken away by this ruling family in both parts of Yemen.
9. looking at the visit of this illegal President of Yemen to your country to assesset hem and his military tribal family regime in order to declare it as a failure State,occupier of South Yemen and tyranny of North Yemen.
10.Looking at his delivery as soon as possible to The International Court of Justice for committing war crimes in South Yemen summer 1994,crimes against humanity and supporting the international terrorism.

Thank you for your possible help to the international community and the new orientation towards a world free from dictatorship and terrorism.

ياوعل راس الجبل حاني
مابايصوبك كل الي
يابوي وين العليماني ذي يطحن اللحم والعظمان
الضرب ذي بات حناني
معروف بلبندق التالي
انه قرح من قدا شبوه بدات من منطقه حبان
الرز جابوه برياني
لاكن الطباخ صومالي
ولي يساعده من سوق جاوه وباكستان
يا دار والله ماحلك ذي فيك الدود والكتان
اخي تسلم على مرورك ثوره قامت وحنا لها

يد بيد من اجل تحرير الجنوب
ابن الجنوب العوذلي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2008-04-12, 12:07 AM   #10
صقر البحر
قلـــــم نشيـط جــــداً
تاريخ التسجيل: 2008-03-25
المشاركات: 202

حياك الله ابن الجنوب العوذلي على هذا الحماس القوي وأتمنى أن نحقق إنجاز كبير بالطرق السلمية وهذا هو هدفنا الأولي حتى نكسب كل فئات الشعب ونشكل حلقة جماهيرية شعبية قوية في كل أنحاء الجنوب وإذا تطلب الأمر ورفض المتعجرفون واستخدموا القوة فحينها الحديد بالحديد والقوة بالقوة والبادي أظلم .
صقر البحر غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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(تغطية) باشراف الرئيس البيض :ورشة العمل لقوى الحرية والإستقلال للجنوب تبدا في بروكسل مقهى الدروازه تغطيات لمهرجانات ومسيرات سابقة 57 2011-06-27 07:33 PM
مسابقه شعريه تبدا اليوم والفائز سيغني له القصيدة الجنرال صقر المشألي الشعر الشعبي والزوامل 15 2010-11-05 09:39 PM
الثوره سلاح الضالع المنتدى السياسي 2 2010-01-24 02:20 AM
حرب من نوع جديد تبدا وهي حرب السيارات بين الجنوب والشمال مسكني وعشقي الجنوب المنتدى السياسي 12 2009-06-22 08:53 PM
الثوره انها الثوره باعوضة المنتدى السياسي 1 2008-07-24 04:09 AM


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

نحب أن نحيط علمكم أن منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب منتديات مستقلة غير تابعة لأي تنظيم أو حزب أو مؤسسة من حيث الانتماء التنظيمي بل إن الإنتماء والولاء التام والمطلق هو لوطننا الجنوب العربي كما نحيطكم علما أن المواضيع المنشورة من طرف الأعضاء لا تعبر بالضرورة عن توجه الموقع إذ أن المواضيع لا تخضع للرقابة قبل النشر