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شهداء الإستقلال الثاني للجنوب

::..منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب..::

العودة   منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب > الأ قسام السياسية > المنتدى السياسي

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 2011-02-28, 09:01 PM   #1
@نسل الهلالي@
قلـــــم ماســــي
تاريخ التسجيل: 2007-11-08
الدولة: الجنوب العربي المحتل
المشاركات: 11,938
افتراضي "The President of the Yemeni occupation: Army will stand firm in face of "conspiracie

"The President of the Yemeni occupation: Army will stand firm in face of "conspiracies"

الكاتب : وكالة أنباء عدن

البريد الإلكتروني :
Feb. 27, 2011
Sana'a, (ANA) - The President of the Yemeni occupation Ali Abdullah Saleh said in remarks published on Sunday that his country's army would 'thwart any conspiracies,' amid escalating protests demanding his resignation.
'We are confident that our people and their glorious institution (army) will thwart any conspiracies,' Saleh was quoted as saying by the official Saba news agency.
He reportedly made the remarks during a meeting late Saturday of senior military and police commanders in the capital Sana'a.
'There is a conspiracy that still exists against the unity and territorial integrity of the Republic of Yemen,' he said.
'We in the armed forces and police have sworn to preserve the republican regime and the unity and territorial integrity of the Republic of Yemen until the last drop of our blood,' he added.
He said the army 'will bear the responsibility at this stage, with all our strength, to maintain the security and safety of the Republic of Yemen and the unity, freedom and democracy.'
Saleh's comments came amid anti-government protests that have endured since last month in the capital Sana'a and several other major cities.
At least 13 people have been killed in clashes between police and anti-government protesters in the past week.
During the latest clashes, five protesters and a policeman were killed on Friday in the southern port city of Aden, while 23 others - including four policemen - were injured.
Opposition parties have called on their supporters to attend rallies across the country on Tuesday in a 'Day of Rage' to demand Saleh's ouster.
Yemen is one of several Arab countries that have been swept by protests, in the wake of the successful ousters of Tunisia and Egypt's long-time leaders.
*The picture: an injured man was shot dead by Yemeni security in the city of Al-MUALLA in Aden last Friday

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نحب أن نحيط علمكم أن منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب منتديات مستقلة غير تابعة لأي تنظيم أو حزب أو مؤسسة من حيث الانتماء التنظيمي بل إن الإنتماء والولاء التام والمطلق هو لوطننا الجنوب العربي كما نحيطكم علما أن المواضيع المنشورة من طرف الأعضاء لا تعبر بالضرورة عن توجه الموقع إذ أن المواضيع لا تخضع للرقابة قبل النشر