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|| إلى كل أبناء الجنوب الأبطال في مختلف الميادين داخل الوطن وخارجة لا تخافوا ولا تخشوا على ثورة الجنوب التحررية,وطيبوا نفسا فثورة الجنوب اليوم هيا بنيانًا شُيد من جماجم الشهداء وعُجن ترابه بدماء الشهداء والجرحى فهي أشد من الجبال رسوخًا وأعز من النجوم منالًا,وحاشا الكريم الرحمن الرحيم أن تذهب تضحياتكم سدى فلا تلتفتوا إلى المحبطين والمخذلين وليكن ولائكم لله ثم للجنوب الحبيب واعلموا ان ثورة الجنوب ليست متربطة بمصير فرد او مكون بل هي ثورة مرتبطة بشعب حدد هدفة بالتحرير والاستقلال فلا تهنوا ولا تحزنوا فالله معنا وناصرنا إنشاء الله || |

شهداء الإستقلال الثاني للجنوب

::..منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب..::

العودة   منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب > الأ قسام السياسية > المنتدى السياسي

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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 2011-05-30, 12:54 AM   #1
منصور زيد
قلـــــم فضـــي
تاريخ التسجيل: 2009-04-18
المشاركات: 1,028
افتراضي اتحاد شباب الجنوب يعقد اجتماعا في عدن ويصدر بيان سياسي هام حول كل التطوارات

اتحاد شباب الجنوب يعقد اجتماعا في العاصمة عدن ويصدر فيه بيان هام اكد على استيعاب قوى الاستقلال لحجم التحديات وتحمل المسئولية لمواجهتها بشكل مشترك
رئيس الدائرة الاعلامية –منصور زيد
منصور زيد غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2011-05-30, 01:29 AM   #2
الوطني برس
قلـــــم فعـــّـال
تاريخ التسجيل: 2011-04-25
المشاركات: 420

تحيةلك يامنصوروبوركت جهودك الوطنيةالتي لاتعد الخزي لاصحاب الدفع المسبق
الوطني برس غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2011-05-30, 10:57 AM   #3
الوطني برس
قلـــــم فعـــّـال
تاريخ التسجيل: 2011-04-25
المشاركات: 420

اتحادشباب الجنوب
الوطني برس غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2011-05-30, 11:05 AM   #4
ضالعي زُبيدي
قلـــــم فضـــي
تاريخ التسجيل: 2008-10-03
الدولة: الجنوب العربي م/الضالع_ زُبيد
المشاركات: 1,499

تحيه لشباب الجنوب الصنايد الابطال
تحيه لقيادة اتحاد شباب الجنوب
تحيه للدائره الاعلاميه للاتحاد المناضل الصلب منصور زيد
إتحاد شباب الجنوب طريق وخيار شباب الجنوب للتحرير والاستقلال

الجنوب عشقاً لن ينتهي
ضالعي زُبيدي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2011-05-30, 12:39 PM   #5
منصور زيد
قلـــــم فضـــي
تاريخ التسجيل: 2009-04-18
المشاركات: 1,028

استغاثة عاجلة
من مواطني وأهالي من مدينة زنجبار عاصمة محافظة أبين
الوطني برس-احمد الربيزي
منصور زيد غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2011-05-30, 12:40 PM   #6
منصور زيد
قلـــــم فضـــي
تاريخ التسجيل: 2009-04-18
المشاركات: 1,028

التحية والشكر لكل الاعضاء المخلصين الوطن اغلى واسمى شيئ في قلوبنا وسنعمل بكل اخلاص من اجل تحريره من قبضة المحتل الهمجي المتخلف بكل ما نملك شكرا على مروركم والشكر للعضوين المتالقين ضالعي زبيدي والوطني برس
منصور زيد غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2011-05-30, 07:27 PM   #7
منصور زيد
قلـــــم فضـــي
تاريخ التسجيل: 2009-04-18
المشاركات: 1,028

In the name of God the Merciful
South Youth Federation held a meeting in the capital of Aden and is issued an important statement said to absorb the forces of independence to the magnitude of the challenges and responsibility to address them jointly
, Head of media - Mansour Zaid
Statement issued by the Union of South Youth
O Liberal Youth South
In these moments ancient and which is lined by young South Liberal all the fighters with their blood pure pages of Chronicles from the pages of the struggle and the struggle of peaceful liberation in all fields for liberation, independence, and despite all the challenges of subjective and objective, which multiply the stronger will of the people of the south and increased rigidity, held in the capital of Aden on Saturday afternoon Meeting the leadership of young South High and the leaders of some provinces, headed fighter Salem AldiYANI President of the Youth Union South, was at the meeting to stand up to phrase issues systemic base, political, field and progresses field on the ground and reflected in the activity and positions Youth Union South which stem from the deep-rooted faith fairness and legitimacy of the South's cause and purpose of the liberation and keep of the blood martyrs and wounded heroes and detainees remain steadfast in the prisons and on top of steel militant leader and symbol of liberal revolution Hassan Ahmed Ba'oum.
Survivalists will and strongest
That young people in their meeting this crossed the responsibility militant in their approach to various issues in an atmosphere dominated by the Spirit Young informed consent to the side of clarity and credibility in raising issues, diagnosis showig will young free thought and the conscious and the clear path trodden by the members and leaders of the Union of South Youth during their militancy as well as all the forces in the arena South. In the interest of members and leaders of the Youth Union South, who confirmed the choice of struggle the main at this stage of struggle, a peaceful struggle and keep on walking properly and a sense of the conscious sacrifices and aspirations of the people of the south and sensing the greatness of the challenges and the seriousness of the current stage experienced by our struggle peaceful and marked by these threats and challenges in ways and forms of different Dackhelp and its territory, and international ((a revolution of change say the Arab and led away by some leaders, both at home and abroad, and retreated to their positions and political rhetoric, and media of the struggle for liberation and independence to the struggle to overthrow the regime, but others went with them to relinquish the goal of revolution, the sons of the south and objectives of the Revolution Youth Yemen As stated in the words of Abdullah Nakhbay secretary general of the peaceful movement in the south, and initiatives that inform the people of the south and detract from the right to liberate their land and sovereignty over their national soil, as well as the role of the parties of Yemen in the shuffle through the mechanisms of political and media systematically and with political support and the Arab media ( (Al-Jazeera - Arabic - Channel and Sohail), unfortunately, took a letter misleading and distorts the facts in the absence of voice of the sons of the South struggling peacefully for four years for a clear goal, the liberation of their land from occupation (c p j) and the restoration of their national South Independent's lead in the peaceful revolution in the region forgetting the entire Arab occupation crimes committed since 1994 right after the sons of the south and thousands of martyrs and tens of thousands of wounded and fallen who liberated during the peaceful march of liberation in the south.
As the Union of Youth, south of the south component independent youth, present and strongly active in all fields of editing and bear responsibility for peace with all the militant forces, the leadership of the Union in its meeting this emphasizes:
The members and leaders and supporters of the Union of South Youth are involved in the march peaceful liberation even the salvation of the occupation and the independence of the second national of the State of the South, without compromise or retreat from this noble goal that fell from the futures of the martyrs of the sons of the south and the wounded, prisoners, and renew our commitment to them struggle peaceful until a full investigation objectives which have fallen for it.
asserts that any position or opinion or project by individuals or groups at home or abroad does not meet and did not reflect the right of the people of the South to liberate their land from occupation, independence and restoration of their national State South independent but rather reflect the owners and not of the people of South steadfast on the ground and we Union We have been with this right, the South project and the fair it is the liberation and independence and do not accept any one was to confiscate our choice and conviction of struggle or exercise guardianship us or speak on our behalf and not as stated in the Cairo Declaration, which represents owners, meeting in Cairo only, and not the people of the South, as claimed .
Congratulations to the brothers of young people in the Yemen Arab Republic revolution and wish them victory, but to draw their respect for the will of the people of the south and the legitimacy of their just cause and objectives of the liberal and deal with it objectively far from the truth and falsifies the arbitrariness of reality as did the occupation authority and its partner co.
Union stresses the need to close ranks and stand the national conscious between the forces of independence under the goal of liberation and independence and on the basis of mutual acceptance and mutual respect away from cancellation, guardianship and the embodiment of the principle of reconciliation, tolerance and the way we call upon all forces of independence in general and the components of youth on the scene South believers liberation and independence, particularly the need to speed up coordination of work and standardization of energy and establish a coordinating board independence forces to support and promote efforts to find it and maintain the Coordinating Board independence forces in Aden, which was founded in difficult times to meet the challenges, which had a role in escalating the pace of peaceful protest in the capital of Aden.
emphasizes the role of young South in general and especially in the capital of the south of Aden to protect installations and civilian institutions and service facilities and the formation of joint committees in neighborhoods and cities to preserve it and protect it from looting, theft and vandalism and the prevention of violence and chaos that paid by the occupation authority and followed as common property of the people along protection of private property.
that any violation by the international community, regional and Arab resolve the issue of the South a fair solution to meet the aspirations of the people of the south and the right to liberate their land and restore their consequent headed the complexity of the crisis and not resolved, but double the complexities and will not achieve security and stability in the region, but is a threat to the common interests among nations.
Union commends the role of the youth of Aden in general and members and supporters of the Youth Union South, especially for bearing responsibility in the leadership and activating the peaceful struggle in the capital of Aden and the success of the protest activities that represent the rejection of the people of the south of the occupation and an emphasis on the demand of the people of the south in the liberation of its land and independence for their state and commends the efforts of the Coordinating Board independence forces and all young people in Aden in the success of the effectiveness of the April 27 and 21 hundred in 2011 and captured events and seminars on all the activities that come within the framework of the diversity of the liberation struggle in the field and the cultural and awareness and media for the triumph of the will of the people of the south and to achieve their goal.
solidarity with all detainees, led by the commander of the southern march of liberation Hassan Ba'oum, the wounded and families of martyrs and to stand with them by all means.
Paradise of the Martyrs ... healing for the wounded .. freedom of the leader of a revolution south Hassan Ba'oum .. freedom for all prisoners heroes .. dispose of the Revolution of the South and the restoration of their identity and, God willing.
God bless
Issued by the Youth Federation of Aden south of the capital
السبت May 28, 2011

منصور زيد غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2011-05-30, 08:02 PM   #8
ياسر حسين الجابري
قلـــــم نشيـط جــــداً
تاريخ التسجيل: 2008-04-04
المشاركات: 166

انا من رأيي حل كافة الهيئات والمسميات والعمل تحت مسمى واحد يتفق عليه ..
ياسر حسين الجابري غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 2011-05-30, 11:17 PM   #9
قلـــــم فعـــّـال
تاريخ التسجيل: 2010-01-09
المشاركات: 668

تحيه لاتحاد شباب الجنوب عن هذا الطرح بالقه العربيه والانجليزيه عشتم ايه الابطال
يهرر غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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الانتقال السريع

المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
حراك حضرموت يعقد اجتماعا استثنائيا برئاسة بامعلم ويصدر بيانا هاما الكاش المنتدى السياسي 2 2011-01-18 06:03 PM
المجلس الوطني الاعلى م/عدن يعقد اجتماعا ويصدر بيان هام منصور زيد المنتدى السياسي 1 2010-11-07 01:31 AM
بيان صادر عن اتحاد شباب الجنوب طورالباحه يؤكد على ايجاد حامل سياسي جديد الضالعي الجنوبي منتدى أخبار الجنوب اليومية 5 2010-09-13 01:33 PM
المجلس الوطني الاعلى محافظة الضالع يعقد اجتماعة ويصدر بيان هام ويدعوا لميسيرة27 ينا منصور زيد منتدى أخبار الجنوب اليومية 11 2010-01-27 01:37 AM
اتحاد شباب الجنوب يعقد لقاءه التشاوري في عدن ابو وسام الشعيبي منتدى أخبار الجنوب اليومية 0 2009-04-07 08:19 PM


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

نحب أن نحيط علمكم أن منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب منتديات مستقلة غير تابعة لأي تنظيم أو حزب أو مؤسسة من حيث الانتماء التنظيمي بل إن الإنتماء والولاء التام والمطلق هو لوطننا الجنوب العربي كما نحيطكم علما أن المواضيع المنشورة من طرف الأعضاء لا تعبر بالضرورة عن توجه الموقع إذ أن المواضيع لا تخضع للرقابة قبل النشر