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|| إلى كل أبناء الجنوب الأبطال في مختلف الميادين داخل الوطن وخارجة لا تخافوا ولا تخشوا على ثورة الجنوب التحررية,وطيبوا نفسا فثورة الجنوب اليوم هيا بنيانًا شُيد من جماجم الشهداء وعُجن ترابه بدماء الشهداء والجرحى فهي أشد من الجبال رسوخًا وأعز من النجوم منالًا,وحاشا الكريم الرحمن الرحيم أن تذهب تضحياتكم سدى فلا تلتفتوا إلى المحبطين والمخذلين وليكن ولائكم لله ثم للجنوب الحبيب واعلموا ان ثورة الجنوب ليست متربطة بمصير فرد او مكون بل هي ثورة مرتبطة بشعب حدد هدفة بالتحرير والاستقلال فلا تهنوا ولا تحزنوا فالله معنا وناصرنا إنشاء الله || |

شهداء الإستقلال الثاني للجنوب

::..منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب..::

العودة   منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب > الأ قسام السياسية > المنتدى السياسي

أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 2012-12-01, 02:08 AM   #1
يزيد الشرفي
قلـــــم فعـــّـال
تاريخ التسجيل: 2011-09-15
المشاركات: 380
افتراضي أبناء الجنوب في المملكة المتحدة يحيون ذكرى الاستقلال الأول بتظاهرة أمام مجلس الوزراء البريطاني

أبناء الجنوب في المملكة المتحدة يحيون ذكرى الاستقلال الأول بتظاهرة أمام مجلس الوزراء البريطاني
السبت 2012-12-01 01:02:21

شبام نيوز . لندن - خاص
نظم أبناء الجنوب في المملكة المتحدة ظهر هذا اليوم تظاهرة أمام مجلس الوزراء البريطاني إحياء للذكرى الخامسة والأربعين للاستقلال الأول وللتعبير عن حق الشعب الجنوبي في التحرر والاستقلال من الاحتلال اليمني.

وعبر الحاضرون اثناء التظاهرة عن دعمهم وتضامنهم اللا محدود مع أهلهم في الداخل في نضالهم السلمي على طريق التحرر والاستقلال، مرددين الشعارات والهتافات الحماسية المعبرة

وأثناء التظاهرة سلم وفد من أبناء الجالية الجنوبية رسالة خطية الى مكتب رئيس الوزراء البريطاني شرحوا فيها معاناة الشعب الجنوبي المحتل وناشدوا الحكومة البريطانية تحمل مسؤوليتها التاريخية تجاه شعب الجنوب من خلال دعم مطالبه وتطلعاته المشروعة في تقرير مصيره على طريق التحرر والاستقلال.

وقال مراسل ( شبام نيوز ) في بريطانيا أن هذه ألتظاهره تميزت تظاهرة هذا العام عن سابقاتها بحضور نوعي عبر عن وحدة الصف الجنوبي في المملكة المتحدة حيث حظر التظاهرة ممثلين عن الكيانات والجمعيات الجنوبية في المملكة المتحدة بمختلف توجهاتها مجسدين روح التصالح والتسامح الجنوبي ووحدة الصف.

وفيما يلي نص الرسالة المقدمة الى مجلس الوزراء البريطاني تنفرد ( شبام نيوز) بنشرها

The Rt Honourable Mr David Cameron, Prime Minister

10 Downing Street





Dear Prime Minister

Re: The struggle of the people of South Yemen for Self-Determination

We write to you on behalf of the South Yemeni Community in the UK on this day, the 30th November 2012, the 45th Anniversary of the Independence of South Yemen from British rule.

It is ironic that today, 45 years on from independence from British rule, South Yemen, South Arabia as known under British rule, is once again under occupation and whilst the occupier is different, it is evident that the UK is indirectly involved in allowing for the occupation to be prolonged.

It is now well ********ed that the people of South Yemen no longer feel that the voluntary unity of 1990, unifying the two independent and sovereign states of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (The South) and the Yemen Arab Republic (The North), subsists. It is the overwhelming view of Southerners that such unity was ended by the 1994 war; perpetrated by the Northern regime and its Islamist and Tribal affiliates, which lead to the effective occupation of the South.

The experience of the Southern people following the war is that of an occupied people, the actions of the North Yemeni political establishment and its state apparatus are those of an occupier. More than one thousand Southerners have been killed and thousands injured or detained, all simply for peacefully expressing their desire to be free.

We feel that in addition to its duties as a key member of international community, the British government individually has a responsibility to support people longing for freedom and independence; values that the British government is a great advocate of. Whilst the British government has a duty to support and uphold fundamental freedoms in general, in the case of South Yemen it has a specific duty; to support a people who it once occupied for 129 years. The historic link between the United Kingdom and the people of South Yemen should not be ignored and it should be an additional basis upon which the UK can and should support the Southern people.

Currently, the British government is at the heart of efforts aimed at resolving the many issues that face the Republic of Yemen. In doing so the UK and the rest of the international community seek to rely on an initiative drawn up by the Gulf Council, a ******** which completely ignored the Southern issue as it is. We believe that such approach is a recipe for a disaster in the waiting. The continuing disregard of the Southern issue and its magnitude is irresponsible and will no doubt lead to the continuing struggle of Southerners until their freedom is achieved.

Such assertion is not made lightly but is evidenced by the strength of feeling in the South, a fact which the British government may be oblivious to and one which we feel we have a duty as a British South Yemeni Community to bring to its attention.

It is becoming increasingly clear that despite the standoff between the various Northern parties, including Saleh’s resurgent following, the tribal warlords, the military generals, the Islamist Islah party and the terrorist groups, the issue of the South is one that brings all those parties into consensus in denying its existence with the chilling new slogan of “Unity or Death” reflecting their stance.

Whilst the revolution in the North began for the right reasons and its initial momentum did point towards a desire by a section of the Northern population to be free of oppression, it is evident that such momentum has ended and the revolution has been completely derailed of its intended course having been hijacked by the very people against whom it began.

All the indications so far from the current situation in Yemen point towards the rebirth of oppression in a different form. For Southerners the rhetoric coming out of the North, from all the northern conflicting parties, is one of complete dismissal of the Southern grievances. In the interim, the South has been turned into a battlefield in an attempt to undermine the Southern issue including the deprivation of the population in the South of the basic amenities, the arming of people and the targeting of Southern activists. Even those Southerners who remain connected to the northern political establishment are being targeted, as was the case with the recent cases of the assassination of Army Generals Salem Qatin and Omar Ba-Rasheed in addition to the attempted assassinations of the Defence Minister Mohamed Nasser Ahmed (Southerner), Dr Yasin Said Norman of the Yemeni Socialist Party and the prominent Southern leader Mohamed Ali Ahmed.

The so called “National dialogue” is rejected in the South and any conclusions reached or decisions made resulting from the “National Dialogue” will be rejected by Southerners. It would appear that the significance of the Southern rejection of the National dialogue in its current form is being ignored by those overseeing the transition period in Yemen. Whether the UK and the

international community are dismissing the significance of the Southern rejection or simply turning the blind eye to its existence in the hope that the results the Dialogue yields may satisfy the Southern people, is unclear but, for whatever reason it is being ignored, one thing is certain; there cannot be a final solution and any stability in the region without due regard to the desires and aspirations of the Southern people.

The idea of a dialogue that can lead to a solution to the Southern issue is welcomed by Southerners but it must be a debate that accepts the Southern issue as it is, a struggle of a people who until 22 years ago had their own independent state, and therefore such debate must be bi-lateral between the North and the South for it to have any chance of being accepted in the South. It can only be through such debate that a lasting solution can be achieved.

It is expected that there will be steps taken by those planning for the National Dialogue to seek to recruit certain individuals to be regarded as “representatives” of the South. Such measures will do nothing but increase the intensity of the Southern struggle.

The sentiments of the Southern people is unequivocal; there is no longer a desire to be in a unity state where there is oppression, discrimination, corruption and an absence of the rule of law. The overwhelming stance of Southerners is to maintain the struggle until an outcome is achieved that is satisfactory to the aspirations of the Southern people.

Southerners do not recognise any individual originally from the South who holds any position in the current political set up as they do not represent the aspirations of Southerners. As such the fact that certain Southern figures appear to be in positions of power does nothing to address the core issue for Southerners, namely, the exercise of their right to determine their destiny.

We emphasise that the existence of a free and independent Southern state is a reason for stability and security in the region. Furthermore, we believe that the opportunities to re-establish bi-lateral relations between the UK and an independent South Yemen are vast. The great potential for investment in addition to the significance and strategic position of the port of Aden will no doubt be a basis for a no-exhaustive list of mutual benefits in the future. Such is the historic link; Southerners will look towards the UK as a key partner for mutual benefit in the future.

We call upon the UK government to use its influence and current status in relation to Yemen and as a member of the United Nations Security Council to take note of the significance of the Southern rejection of the so called “National Dialogue”. The legal basis of the Southern case is provided by UNSC Resolutions 924 and 931 and we call on the UK government to use its influence to interpret these provisions into reality by calling for a bi-lateral

debate between representatives of the North and the South with a view to reaching a lasting solution based on the right of the Southern people to self-determination, to decide their destiny once and for all.

Finally, whilst the exchange of correspondence has been a useful means of maintain contact between the South Yemeni Community in the UK and the British government, we would ask that a meeting is organised in the near future to allow for representatives of the South Yemeni Community to meet with appropriate officials to discuss the contents of this letter further.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Your Faithfully

On Behalf of the South Yemeni Community in the UK.

cc. Report by the Southern Human Rights Observatory regarding Human Rights Violations in South Yemen

اقرا المزيد على شبام نيوز : http://shibamnews.com/newsdetails.ph...#ixzz2DkL9mga7
يزيد الشرفي غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

نحب أن نحيط علمكم أن منتديات الضالع بوابة الجنوب منتديات مستقلة غير تابعة لأي تنظيم أو حزب أو مؤسسة من حيث الانتماء التنظيمي بل إن الإنتماء والولاء التام والمطلق هو لوطننا الجنوب العربي كما نحيطكم علما أن المواضيع المنشورة من طرف الأعضاء لا تعبر بالضرورة عن توجه الموقع إذ أن المواضيع لا تخضع للرقابة قبل النشر