عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 2011-03-10, 09:39 AM   #2
aden fighter
قلـــــم فضـــي
تاريخ التسجيل: 2008-07-13
المشاركات: 2,205

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة aden fighter مشاهدة المشاركة
second phase:Southern rejection to the tyranny of Sana'a Regime

in despite of difficult Economic condition imposed by the outcome of the war of summer 1994 on the South ,and strict Military and Security imposed on the South;however,the Southerner rejection to tyranny imposed by Sanaa regime continued from moment that Sanaa controlled South in different forms and from different ,group,associations and individuals ,we can summarized as:
1)rejection begun by (MOJ) movement ,founded in abroad after war of summer 1994,and it play historic role to face psychological defeat for people of the South after the war, and let the South Issue be present for seven year in oversees.
2) group to reform unification way :attained immediately after the war ,and state the idea of(remove the effects of War and reform unification convention) and specified the way to remove the affect of War by four points:
A) revoke religious fatwa against South Yemeni's which classified them as infidel and declared a war against South and turned South as booty.
B) return public and private properties that looted by Sanaa regime leaders under influence of wrong fatwa and consider it as negative outcome of war.
C)reform all Southern securities and military bases and equipments and civilian institutions as it was before the War.
D)revoke provisions against list of South Yemen leaders which included(16)members and consider it as fault statement, and return back displaced persons to Home and return their properties.
(HATM) movement: call for self-determination and use armed struggle since its start on 1997.
4) National Alliance : this movement was extension of MOJ movement and it's first attempt to find political tools to introduce South Issue locally and tried to get permission from authority were refused to allow it.
5)People's Committees : these committees were the initiatives of local people activities ,it was great idea ,but opposition parties were anti-committee which encouraged Sanaa regime to suppress it.
6)South Yemeni's Forum :this forum were form by South Yemeni's who live in Sanaa they start to claim for rights only,but still it angered Sanaa regime but it able to stopped the campaign carried out against rest of south Yemeni's who work in Government and maintained some of their rights ,where it forms seed of peaceful movement.
7)Independent Assembly: this was extension of "group to reform unification way" and its member separated from Socialist party the previous dominated party in South Yemen.
8)TAJ party: founded on 2004 in London(UK) call for self-determination for South and it quickly spread inside South provinces ,it participate to define South issue internationally and became main member of southern movement allies .
9)Associations of Retired civilian and military employees: these associations played main role to emergence of South Peaceful Movement ,specially military members who form a backbone of South Movement and it's first one to break the barrier of fear when protested on (AL-aroad square) in Khormaksar on 7/7/2007, and opened a wide field to peaceful demonstration with help of other such as Youth,Unemployed and civil society associations.
Third phase
South Peaceful Revolution's(movement)
In accordance with normal functioning of historic event that imposed by causality(Cause and Effect),the Situation imposed by tyranny regime of Sanaa to South since 7/7/1994,by using oppression tools, tribal heritage cultural that practice booty and cheating,and use "Divide and Rule"...etc,inevitably lead to revolution of South to current situation imposed by Sanaa regime where South people's feel that they are out of contemporary life and backward to earlier centuries with no hopes and aspirations,due to suffering and pain feeling the revolution movement clearly explicit the issue publicly , and for the dangerous way that Sanaa regime use to secure and consolidate it's tyranny by drive and inject a division and discord among southerns by remind a past-conflict and crisis of South the first steps of South Revolution is not to give chance to Sanaa regime to exploit South past-conflict's by enact the principle of "Reconciliation and Tolerance" among South Yemeni's;hence,the first Forum for "Reconciliation and Tolerance" was held in Aden on Jan 13,2006 in Radfan Charitable Association Headquarter,after that followed by established "Reconciliation and Tolerance "forums in all Southern provinces and cites ,Sanaa regime brutally confronted organizers and detained activists and close Radfan Associations Headquarters's in Aden;however,the South reconciliation and tolerance continued to pace by interaction of all South People's ,then during time the Associations of Southern retired Military and Civilian were establish,and Youth,Students Association and much of political and Cultural organization were formed , protesters goes to Streets to announce refusal and revolt against tyranny of Sanaa regime,South People's shout loudly in the face of Sanaa regime saying "leave the land of South and No unification by force",sanaa regime tried to oppress revolution by using various types of forces and intelligent ware ,but it fails and Southern Movement widely scattered and expanded everywhere in South provinces and cities ,and the barrier of fear displaced which Sanaa regime imposed on South over the pass twenty years to inaugurate officially peaceful revolution of South Yemeni's with objective of Self-determination.
this is a brief summary of developments of events of revolutions
1)South people's revolted after 7/7/2007 stretched from Almahara province Eastern To Bab-El-Mandeb strait Western,flying the South Yemen National flag and demand for self-determination and independence from north Yemen.
2)even though oppression ways,killing,and detained imposed by Sanaa regime to suppress South revolt,but this revolution has grown in strength and continuous ,Sanaa regime couldn't stop it,but success to divert world attention and block international media,the most important way Sanaa regime use to divert world attention is by using Al-Qeada cells which has strong relation with Sanaa regime since the war against South on period May 1990-1994 ... , on despite fail to link Al-Qeada with South Movement,however, relatively successes in raising serious concern and wary to neighboring countries and developed countries about Al-Qaeda threat which make these countries a afraid to get closer to Southern Movement or understand their demand,with wrong judgment of Realities of situation in Yemen by emphasize unity of Yemen the only guarantor to stability and peace to secure interests of those countries from Al-Qeadea threats,while the fact is confirm and insist no peace and stability in Yemen without resolution to South issue.
3) Sanaa regime took advantage to the fear and wary of neighboring countries and the world from Al-Qeada to strongly oppress South Movement ,kill South people's everywhere,and detain South leaders and activists without trial accept know-leaders who faced intelligent court judgment with 4 to 10 years imprisonment sentenced ,and targeting cities by heavy weapons(tank,canons )...etc destroying private houses and properties.
4)becuse of critical circumstance and situation it was essential to have organized framework for South Movement, and began this efforts on 2008 by establishing supreme National Council of Liberation and Restoration of South state" headed by respected leader Mr/ Hassan Ahmed Baom which make South issue as supper Priority to its political strategic and platform,also it has been establish during the period from Nov 2008 to March 2009 three South political entities (movements) all adopt independence and Restoration of South as main goal.here the name of movements
A) National Southern authority
B)supreme National authority for independence of South
C)South National Movement(NAJAH)
many political ,Social ,tribal and academics persons were joined to movement,also South Yemeni's communities who live abroad formed Associations in places where they live to support goal of independence of South.
5) After founded all of indicated authorities and Associations the dialogues begins to find way to unified entities,those efforts culminated in merger of all entities in May 9,2009 under one institutional framework named "South Revolutionary Command Council' headed by Mr/Hassan Ahmed Baom,then the name changed to"Supreme Council of South peaceful Movement",the most important objective(goal) to this Council is independent and the restoration of South state,and appointed Mr/Ali Salem Al-Bedidh as legitimate president of South,Mr /Ali Salem engaged since his attained in Germany after long exile in Oman since 1994 to adopt the goal of revolution and leadership of South by declaring statement on 21/May/2009.
6)Oppression and butchery of Sanaa regime to South People's,assignations,kidnapping and detain Southern rebels , more than five hundred casualties and thousands wounded and imprisoned with ashamed ignorance of Arab countries and all Human rights and Humanitarian organizations,despite all appeal and call for help by South people.
7) Sanaa regime tried to imposed tight securities grip in main southern provinces such (Aden ,Hadrumot) by strengthen forces existence by sending thousands of troops and Soldiers of different division such(Central security,National Security Guard,and Intelligent cells),and was able to limit Southern movement activities for a few months in mentioned cites ,however, by social networking across internet the Aden Youth's success to revolt in Feb 11,2011 and success to break the security barriers by gathering on streets and Public Squares and set-up Camps,the reaction of Sanaa regime were aggressive and bloody specially when demonstrations attained and struggle to North Yemen cites,Sana'a regime pleaded(give execuse) to its aggressive manner to South protesters by saying "South Youth's raise the independent goal"which threats the unity,which lead Youth in Aden and Mukalla to demand for "overthrow the Sanaa regime" as strategy to avoid massacre and to not give a regime chance to kill South People's, Sanaa regime angered for this step,because it want to convince to North People if the regime overthrown the South will separated and will lose South Wealth. is the Human conscience will remain silent on these crimes against Humanity ,after more than twenty five casualties and two hundred wounded on a few days from Feb 10 to Feb 26 2011.
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