عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 2011-04-08, 01:37 AM   #10
بائع المسك
قلـــــم فعـــّـال
تاريخ التسجيل: 2009-10-08
المشاركات: 630

هذه مراجعة الترجمة بواسطة استاذ متخصص لغة انجليزية فقط اريد مراجعة التنسيق وترتيب الاسطر والعبارات لأنها ارسلت لي بواسطة تلفون وقد يكون تنسيقات الاسطر لم تحتفظ بتنسيقها الاول لأني حاولت نسخها من صفحة ورد الى هنأ فوجدت ترتيب الاسطر مختلف ثم قمت بنقلها مباشرة من موقع الرسائل الخاصة التي وصلت الي عبرها فلاحظت احتفاظها بتنسيقها لهذا خامرني شك في احتفاظ الرسالة بتنسيقها الاصلي الذي كتبت به..فلزم التنبيه بالتأكد من تنسيق الاسطر والعبارات من قبل مترجمينا بالمنتدى..وفق الله الجميع لما يحب ويرضى:
We all know that the socialist party and its oppressives، and its rebels ،these، if we counted their number، we find that they are very simple and limited and also unless their supporters and agents standed by their side they couldn't do what they had done in the course of their black history . They openly declared apostasy, athiesm, prostitution and currption . Those who are head of sedition , if not their agents and supporters standed by them , they neither imposed athiesm on any one nor declare curription , nor hawwa taboos . They did what they did with tools such as those who are called muslims to day, the army that gave his loyalty to this faction. We,here, have to give clarification and legitimacy judgment on this statement: Scholars are unanimously agreed that when fighting, if fighting between Muslims and non-Muslims, if hoarding the enemies of Islam to a range of Muslims vulnerable women and the vulnerable, the elderly and children, but if you do not kill them they will be able to break into the home and killed more of Muslims, and permitted the state of Islam and violates the symptoms if he killed them evil is smaller than the corrupting implications of the enemy we must overcome if the consensus of the Muslims for killing these vulnerable people who do not fight so how about standing and fighting and carrying a weapon this is first...
It is the second in a row who have been fighting the rebels they want to fork arrogant disbelief and fork down on Islam and scientists say that it was of joy at the same altitude in disbelief and low thorn thorn Islam is a hypocrite but if it was announced and also shown an apostate. "
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