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قديم 2010-08-17, 02:34 PM   #1
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قلـــــم نشيـط جــــداً
تاريخ التسجيل: 2010-08-03
المشاركات: 229
افتراضي عضو في مجلس الامن القومي الامريكي يقول انه لا يثق بعلي عبدالله صالح

وقد عقد مجلس الأمن القومي ومسوولين في مكافحة الإرهاب عشرات الاجتماعات حول اليمن خلال الأشهر القليلة الماضية. وقد أجريت هذه الاجتماعات سرا ،مع القليل من المعلومات حول الظهور في وسائل الإعلام ، حتى يوم الاحد عندما صحفيين من صحيفة نيويورك تايمز سحبو الستار في صفحاتهم في (شبح الحرب )

وقال لي أحد الأعضاء في مجلس الأمن القومي بطريقة سرية في نيسان / ابريل ان الرئيس اليمني علي عبد الله صالح ، هو مشكلة في جميع أنواع الطرق المختلفة ، وليس جدير بالثقة تماما .لكن مسؤولين في الادارة يعتقدون انه شريكا حيويا في الحرب على الارهاب. الرئيس صالح أيضا يشعر بتعارض في العلاقة .في حين انه في الواقع لم يقل للامريكيين ان يغادرو .لديه الكثير من المسائل معهم .
National Security Council and counterterrorism officials have held dozens of meetings about Yemen over the past several months. The meetings have been conducted secretly, with little information about them appearing in the media, until Sunday when reporters from The New York Times pulled back the curtain in their page-one story about stealth warfare.

One National Security Council member told me privately in April that Yemen’s president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, is problematic in all sorts of different ways and is not entirely trustworthy, but that administration officials believe he is a crucial partner in the war on terror. President Saleh also feels conflicted about the relationship. While he has not actually told Americans to leave, he has plenty of issues with them

Indeed, Americans are doing a lousy job at collecting intelligence for the attacks on suspected Al Qaeda leaders, as The New York Times demonstrates in its article; in an all-too-representative case, the U.S. took out the wrong guy during a recent strike. President Saleh and other officials in Yemen were furious over the U.S. assault in May that inadvertently killed the deputy governor of Marib Province. The lousy intelligence that is collected on the militants and the poor communication between Americans and the political leaders in Yemen have consequences: Al Qaeda leaders are exploiting these weaknesses and are attempting to draw closer to the ordinary people of Yemen.

The stakes are immense: As The Times reports, many experts think the next attack is more likely to come from Yemen than Pakistan, which counterterrorism specialists had long believed would be the source of the next assault on the United States. The United States has struck at suspected militants several times in Yemen over the past eight months, but unfortunately these assaults have barely made a dent on the terrorist base in that country.

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