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فادي عدن 2010-01-03 10:21 PM

شكراً عدن برس لقد عملت الواجب في وقته المناسب
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

رجال إذا عاهدوا صدقوا وإذا عملوا أحسنوا عملا ..

فاجأني موقع عدن برس اليوم بمقال للكاتب المميز ناصر قحطان والأكثر تميزاً أن المقال باللغة الإنجليزية وهو عن إدعاءات صنعاء بإرتباط الحراك بالقاعدة ..
البعض يثرثر والبعض الآخر يعمل بصمت ويغزو ثقافة الآخرين بلغتهم وينقل إليهم ما نريده وهذا أيضا يتم بصمت ودون ضجيج ...
بارك الله فيكما ناصر قحطان ولطفي شطارة ..
لقد رفعتما رؤوسنا جميعاً ..
شكراً لكما أيها العملاقان من كل نقطة دم جنوبية نزفت في المعجلة وفي رفض وفي كل مكان على أرضنا الطاهرة ..
أحي جهودكما الفردية التي أستطاعت أن تقول ما لم يقله الضجيج الذي يصم الآذان ولا يوصل شيئ ..
أسمحا لي بأن أنتهز هذه الفرصة وأقوم بتوجيه الدعوة إلى كتابنا الجنوبيين لترجمة أهم ما يفيد قضيتنا ونشره في موقع عدن برس وكذلك دعوة من يجيد الكتابة باللغات الرئيسية وخاصة الإنجليزية بأن يوجه بعض جهده في هذا الإتجاه ..

مرة أخرى شكراً عدن برس
شكراً ناصر قحطان ... شكراً لطفي شطارة ..

فادي عدن 2010-01-03 10:23 PM


صالح والقاعدة : العلاقة التكافلية
التاريخ: الأحد 03 يناير 2010
الموضوع: تقارير وآراء أجنبية

صنعاء – لندن " عدن برس " خاص : 3 – 1 – 2010 http://www.adenpress.com/picture/zand.jpg
يدعو " عدن برس " من قراءه وكتابه ومن المهتمين بالقضية الجنوبية الشروع في كتابة مقالات باللغة الإنجليزية لفضح ممارسات نظام الرئيس اليمني علي عبد الله صالح أمام العالم الحر . ففي المقال التالي ناصر قحطان يكتب باللغة الإنجليزية عن دلالات ارتباط علي عبدالله صالح ونظامه بتنظيم القاعدة ، وعن اعتماد صالح والقاعدة على بعضهما البعض طيلة السنوات الماضية. كما يكشف ناصر قحطان عن هشاشة إدعاءات صالح عن ارتباط الحراك الجنوبي السلمي بتنظيم القاعدة.

Saleh and Al-Qaida: Symbiotic Relationship


By Nasser Qahtan

For years, southern Yemenis have been wondering when the west and free world will punish Ali Abdullah Saleh, the president of the previously called northern Yemen and the president of the -by force- united Yemen since 1994 for his relation with terrorism.

The last thing southern Yemenis have ever thought about was linking their political movement to Al-qaida. For decades, Southern Yemenis have been described as Marxists, apostates, non-religious and even non Muslims by the tribal, religious and military alliance that has been supporting the Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh since his first day in the presidential palace.

South Arabia or the later called south Yemen with a 3 million inhabitants was a separated country for hundreds of years until it was united with the north in 1990 in a unity the south later discovered was an occupation by the northern tribal, religious and military alliance for its relatively large and rich lands. When southern Yemenis tried to get their independence back, they were suppressed by the northern forces in 1994.

Until 1967, south Arabia or south Yemen was under British occupation which allowed a margin of freedom and modernization. Later, after the independence, the political leaders of the south have adopted a socialist pro soviet political regime, which was obviously an anti radicalism regime.

On the other side, on north Yemen, or the previously called Motawkliah Yemenia Kingdom with 18 million inhabitants, the imams - religious leaders- have ruled the country for more than a thousand years. A culture of religious political and social system was deeply established in north Yemen even after the one-day revolution in 1962 which replaced the imam regime by another that kept the same components.

Tribal leaders, religious leaders and army leaders have always been the main corners of the political regime in north Yemen regardless of the name of the country they choose for themselves.

It is almost a known fact for most Yemenis that Ali Abdullah Saleh has always depended on extremist leaders to suppress his political enemies. He has used them between 1990 and 1994 to assassinate his southern liberal opponents, and later on in his war against the south in 1994, and he has been using them for the last 5 years to fight with his torn army against the northern Houthi repels in north of Yemen. Some of the well know ex mujahedeen have been chosen as senior figures in Saleh's ruling party. In fact, one of them, Abdulmajeed Alzendani which is on the USA wanted list was chosen by Saleh as the fifth member of his 5 members presidential council of united Yemen in 1990.
http://www.adenpress.com/picture/zand5.jpgAbdulmajeed Alzendani: Although he has been on the USA wanted list because of his relation with Osama Bin Laden who considers Alzendani as his "religious master" he has maintained a strong relation with Saleh. In order to avoid getting captured by USA, Saleh has offered Alzendani a (ride) on his presidential airplane to attend King Fahd's funeral in Saudi Arabia on 2005, it was a safe free return ticket. Alzendani has always been the religious arm of Saleh in all of his conflicts. In particular, he has supported Saleh in his war against the southern "apostates" when they decided to get its identity and country back. He owns and runs a government inspection-free religion university in Yemen, The Faith University. He, by himself selects students and instructors that get 7 years of religion teaching before he approves them as Shekhs. On February 24, 2004, the US Treasury Department identified Zindani as a "Specially Designated Global Terrorist". The Department said it had credible evidence al-Zindani had a "long history of working with bin Laden, notably serving as one of his spiritual leaders". Executive Order 13224 by U.S. PresidentGeorge W. Bush on September 23, 2001 designates him a person “who commits, threatens to commit, or supports terrorism”. His name is mentioned on the UN 1267 Committee banned entity list of individuals associated with Al-Qaida.
Jamal Albadwai: He as well is on the USA wanted list because of his direct relation with killing seventeen American soldiers in the suicide attack against the US navy destroyer USS Cole on October 2000. Jamal has managed to escape from Yemeni political police prison twice although political police prisons are the worse and the most guarded in Yemen. After his second escape, he turned himself in to Saleh and was released from prison in exchange for a “promise of good behavior”. The FBI placed a $5 million reward for Badawi's capture. When FBI Director asked Yemeni President Saleh about al-Badawi’s status during a visit to Yemen, “Saleh gave no clear answers about the suspect, Jamal al-Badawi, leaving Mueller “angry and very frustrated” said one source, who added that “he's rarely seen the normally taciturn FBI director so upset”. Newsweek, May 5 2008; A Tense Impasse In Yemen, by Michael Isikoff.

Jabr Albana: He is an American Yemeni citizen considered by FBI as the key supporter of the Lackawanna Qaida cell (also known as Lackawanna Six or Buffalo Cell) which is a group of six Yemeni-Americans who were convicted of providing material support to Al-Qaida. Albana was considered as the most dangerous member of the cell. On February 23, 2006 the FBI confirmed his escape and issued a national press release naming him as one of the first new additions to the FBI most wanted terrorists list. The U.S. administration has offered $5 million for information that will get him arrested. He also after escaping from a Yemeni prison had turned himself to Saleh which released him. Later, he surprised judges in a Yemeni court by opening the court door and entering to the hall with his guards just to tell them that he will not get arrested because he has the president "word". Albana has made it safely out of the court.
Officers? Terrorists or both? In 2006, during the only -close to real- election Saleh had during his 3 decades on president palace he stood in public in front of hundreds of thousands of his followers and in front of media representatives and showed a photo of a man Saleh claimed to be a terrorist supporting his Sothern competitor, Faisal Bin Shamlan who is known for his good reputation and clean hands in one of the most corrupted countries in the world. Later, the man was found to be a police officer and said he will sue Saleh. Last month, a man named Mohammed Omaier appeared on Aljazeera TV saying he is alqaida member and he is participating in Sothern separatist’s activity, later the man was found to be the son of Shabwa governorate security commander. The government did not comment.
USA arms given to Yemen found with terrorist: According to Jane Novak, a US-based analyst and expert in Yemeni affairs “The serial numbers for two rifles used in the attack on the USA embassy in Saudi Arabia have been traced to Yemen’s ministry of defense”. Novak also said in her article: Drug Smuggling, Gun Running and Other Crimes, published on her website on October 14th 2005, that “Both the United States and the United Nations have expressed concern regarding the amount of illegal arms transfers from Yemen. The Yemeni weapons pipeline has two sources of supply: the black market and legitimate military purchases”. Giving arms to tribes is a way Saleh uses officially to apologize to upset tribes or to gain their support. This practice is usually covered, in one occasion Yemeni ministry of defense has announced that it investigates about “disappearance” of 600 mortar ammunition from army stores in the borderline Almahra governorate.

Alqaida Great Escape: By digging a tunnel using only plastic spoons, Yemen announced that 23 Alqaida members including 13 top figures have escaped form one of the most guarded prisons in Yemen, the tunnel was estimated to be 140 meter in length. The Interpol issued a global ***** described the fugitives as a “danger to all countries”. Prison’s previous commander and deputy were dismissed two weeks before the escape. When a Yemeni official was asked how the fugitives managed to breath in such a long tunnel, he said they have used footballs they were playing with inside prison as a source of oxygen. Saleh later announced that he is in "contact' with them and that things are under control.

Saleh has used almost all of the above mentioned terrorism related figures in his conflicts against his enemies. Their participation was obvious in Saleh’s war against the south in 1994. He has started a campaign to gather fighters to fight in the South based on braining the south back to Islam as they were “corrupted by socialism and British occupation”. He is using al Qaida members in his war against Houthi rebels in the north of the country. He has repeatedly called southern separatists and northern rebels as apostates, the word that usually switches on Alqaida members.
It is evident that whoever stands against Saleh must stand against be Alqaida fighters as well. Yet he will be accused of being connected to Alqaida on the same time. It might look non sense, but it is the case. USA and its alliance must understand that the support they provide to Saleh will reach to Alqaida at the end. They are not fighting Alqaida by supporting Saleh to suppress his enemies. They are sending the wrong message to the area by supporting a dictator who has been suppressing his people for three decades with the help of terrorists.

شموخ الجنوب 2010-01-03 11:15 PM

ما أحوجنا اليوم وفي هذا الوقت إلى أن تتبنى مواقعنا الجنوبية قضيتنا بجد..ماشاء الله لدينا مواقع كثيرة..ومنتديات أكثر...ولدينا أناس مثقفين وكتاب مخضرمين...!!!
فما ينقصنا سوى الجد والاجتهاد فقط..!!!

وهذه الخطوة التي أقدم عليها موقع عدن برس..مهمة جدا..أتمنى أن تتواصل هذه الجهود الرائعة من عدن برس...
ونتمنى من بقية المواقع أن تستفيد من هذه التجربة السريعة في مفعولها...
والمفيدة في خدمة قضيتنا الجنوبية...
ما أحوجنا اليوم وقد كثر الحديث عن القاعدة...وعن اليمن...إلى أن نفصح بلسان أجنبي يفهمه العالم كله...
من هو الإرهابي الحقيقي...؟؟!!!

شكرا عدن برس...وألف تحية
وشكرا أستاذ فادي عدن وألف تحية..

الربان 2010-01-04 12:19 AM

لكم جزيل الشكر يا من تبذلون قصارى جهودكم لأجل وطنكم.

skysky 2010-01-04 01:22 AM

جهد يستحق الشكر, وفقهم الله

بركان عدن 2010-01-04 01:32 AM

تحية لمن سبق عمله قوله ...

تحية لمن يعمل بصمت في وقت يثرثر فيه الآخرون !

المخلصون دائما تشهد لهم أفعالهم ,ولن ينساهم التاريخ ...

من قلب كل حنوبي شريف تحية للعمالقة الذين يحسنون التصرف في كل الميادين ...

وتحية خالصة لك أستاذ جمال ..,,

المشرقي 2010-01-04 02:11 AM

اخي العزيز النضال ، دعك من ترجمة { google }
فانها تكسر اللغة ولا تستطيع ان تجد جملة مفيده
لك خالص تقديري.. وحاول بطريقة اخرى

فادي عدن 2010-01-04 06:36 PM

شكراً لكل من مروا من هنا ..
وأجدد الشكر للمخلصين من المبادرين في خدمة قضيتهم دون ضجيج ..

الذئب الجريح 2010-01-04 08:15 PM

وشكراً لك ايها النبيل فادي عدن
نعم عدن برس تعمل من اجل الجنوب
فتحية لناشرها الاخ الكريم لطفي شطارة
وتحية لاخونا ناصر قحطان..

@نسل الهلالي@ 2010-01-04 08:46 PM

شكرآ عدن برس

شكرآ فادي عدن

شكرآ للجنوب


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