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ايجى ستارز 2016-03-17 08:07 PM

برنامج Y'z Dock 0.8.3 للحصول علي شريط ادوات رائع مثل انظمة ماك



Y'z Dock 0.8.3
Y'z Dock 0.8.3




البرنامج الرائع للحصول علي شريط ادوات مثل الذي هو في نظام ماك وللعلم يمكن اضافة الادوات الي هذا الشريط عن طريق السحب والاضافة بالضغط علي البرنامج او صورة ايكونة البرنامج وسحبها من والي شريط الادوات للسحب او الاضافة للاداة تمتعوا بهذة التجربه الرائعه وشريط ادوات مطور ووممميز

Y'z Dock is a program toolbar, very much like the dock in MacOS X. It is no longer being updated but still has a very large user base. The application had huge interest when it was first released, but due to a cease and desist order from Apple, the author has had to stop development. To add icons, drag and drop a file (.exe, shortcut, etc.) straight from Explorer to the dock area. In order to delete an icon, drag and drop the icon out of dock. Place the PNG images for your icons in the icons folder. Right-click on the icons in the dock, choose 'Property' and choose your icons images there. Right-click anywhere on your dock background and choose 'Setting' to change the settings that apply to the dock itself. The clock and the trash bin have not implemented.



Y'z Dock 0.8.3



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