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Ganoob67 2009-09-03 07:20 AM

و هنا الحزء الخامس....

The security forces in Saiuun, South-Yemen, arrested on July 8th an unknown number of young people including a boy on the age of 15 called Abdullah Omar Bin-Abdat. The young people were accused of involvement in illegal demonstration that threats the unity of the country and of planning attacks against shops owned by citizens of North-Yemen. They have been released 6 days later after investigations and interrogations and without any charge due to lack of evidence and the illegality of their continued detention.

- In a later statement issued by the boy's father, Abdullah, the security office in Saiuun was accused to have arrested his son under inhuman conditions and the father uncovered that the temperature in the cell where his son was arrested rose during the day up to 45°C. And although the department of public prosecutor ordered their immediate release due to lack of accusation, the detainees including his son experienced repressions and arbitraries that are not commensurate neither to the young age of his son nor to his slim body, so because of the bad condition of his arrest, he suffered from several acute mental disorders including partial loss of memory, difficulties of talk and imbalances during walk.
The father claimed that his son was suffering from a critical psychological and neurological disorders and he reported this to the department of public prosecutor in July 22nd and accused Yasser Amri, President of the Criminal Investigation Department and Ahmed Alsmidi, a soldier in the Archive department of the police stations and Hani Al-Hanmi, another soldier, to be the main responsible people for the deterioration of his son's mental and heath condition. But after submitting the case to the Court, it was frozen without taking any action.
The Father confirmed that his son was denied visits for the duration of his imprisonment, prevented from sleeping, was interrogated for more than once a night and had been threatened by one of the soldiers to remain in prison until death in addition to solitary confinement in a room at a temperature to 45°C for six days. These led to the deterioration of the physiological and mental health conditions the young boy which required an urgent hospitalization, however, instate of reporting the him to hospital, he was returned to prison which worsened further his mental condition.

- On July 9th, Mr. Ali Seif from the Directorate of Habil-Gabr of the province of Lahj, killed 3 people (Amin Saeed Ali Al-Haj, 17 years, Hamid Saeed Ali Al-Haj, 60-year and Khalid Abdullah, 28 years) and injured Yasin Saeed Ali ( all from the Directorate Alqubaith, province of Lahj) who worked in Habil-Gabr. The crime was carried out in one of the valleys of the Al-Asskariiah region near the police station of Habil-Gabr. The reasons behind this crime are still unknown. The security authorities did not make any effort to arrest the offender although they know him and his stay. This raises many questions about the truth behind this crime and the reason why the authorities do not manhunt the offender.

- On July 12th, the Security forces in the governorate of Aden broke up a solidarity sit-in called by civil and social organizations in solidarity with the Al-Ayyam newspaper which was forced by the Yemeni government to stop publishing. Many Journalists and co-workers of the newspaper were arrested. Although the organizers applied for permission for the sit-in, the authority did not respond to it.

- On July 22nd, the relatives of the victims of the crime of Habil-Gabr (mentioned above) organized a sit-in in Al-Anad, close to the ******** where the crime took place, to demand on arresting the offender. Some of the participants, however, blocked the street which connected Lahj with Al-Dhalii and Taiiz. Forces of the central security interfered and attempted to open the street forcibly by shooting live bullets, which caused the death of one person, called Osman Mohamed, 42 years.

أبوسعد 2009-09-03 04:33 PM

مجهود رائع من الاخ Ganoob67 فقد تحمل كل الترجمة للتقرير وما تبقى منها الاّ القليل ، فلك التحية وللاخ فتحي بن لزرق ايضا .. ما ارجوه من الاخ فتحي ان يلتفت لملاحظات الاعضاء في صفحات هذا الموضوع واخص بالذكر ملاحظة الاخ الجبل الشااامخ المتعلقة بعمر الشهيد عمر عبد العزيز الصبيحي ..

Ganoob67 2009-09-04 11:06 AM

الجزء السادس.....

On July 23rd, the Southern Movement called for a demonstration in Zinjibar, the capital city of the province of Abyan in South-Yemen, to evince their solidarity to “Al-Ayyam” newspaper and to request the release of all activists of the Southern Movement who are arrested by the Yemeni government. The security forces and army units enforced a curfew over the city and attempted to prevent the participants from entering the city and had blocked communication services such as phones, internet and mobile phones in and around the city. The Security forces observed the demonstration and brought soldiers in position a few meters away from the demonstrators. As soon as the event ended, an exchange of fire started between civilians and the security forces resulting in the death of 17 civilians. Their names are: Alkhadher Nasser Saeed Al-Saidi, Awad Ahmed Aldabiah, Mahdi Omar Al-Queiti, Abdullah Al-Harcha Al-Omiri, Safwan Saif Abdul-Karim, Ali Salem Al-Qaaz, Kareem Aidaroos Ahmed, Mohamed Abdo Al-Shami, Mohamed Saleh Abdel-Qawi, Mohsen Al-Haddi, Ahmed Al-Sayyed Al-Marmi, Saleh Talib Mohsen, Salem Al-Jazzar Bin-Fellees, Mohamed Salem Samn, Mohammed Qaid Saleh, Ali Fadhl Muthana Hussein and Ahmed Hussein Mohammed Amshnini. The exchange of fire caused also the injury of decades some of them very seriously including a leader of the southern women’s movement called Saeedah Al-Hindi. Six policemen amount them the deputy of the president of security affairs in the province of Abyanwere also injured.
It is still not clear who started the shooting in Zinjibar, the organizers of the event accused the security forces of starting shooting while the security forces accused the participants of the event. What we have confirmed is the failure of the security forces to transfer the injured to the hospital, moreover, they disallow others to treat or transfer the injured to hospital therefore many injured died on-site from bleeding. This is considered a flagrant offense against international law and a major violation of human rights.

On July 25th, many people in the city, Al-Dhali (South-Yemen), participated in a protest march organized by the Southern Movement to protest against the incidents of Zinjibar. The security forces used live bullets in an attempt to break it up which led to the death of Mohammed Saleh Murshid while Samid Hassan Ahmed injured in his left leg, Refaat Mohammed Hassan in his left shoulder, Nabeel Abdul-Malik Hussain in his right arm and Aref Nasser Howeidar on his head. It was also confirmed that one Soldier called Mohammed Saleh was injured by other soldiers because he refused to fire on the demonstrators.

2. Violation against the media (prosecute journalists, confiscation of newspapers, suspension and blocking of internet sites)

(It is truly regrettable that the state mobilizes all its resources to suppress the free media while rewards thieves and bandits with millions of Riyals) The Journalist Anis Mansour commenting on his conviction under publishing issues to imprisonment for 14 months.
- On 17th July, the first instance court of Al-Qubbaitah (North-Yemen) Judge Hassan Abdul-Rahman convicted the correspondent of Al-Ayyam newspaper in Taiz and jailed him for 14 months of publishing false news and participating in illegal demonstrations.
- The Yemeni Constitution guarantees both private and official media the dissemination of news and views about events, facts and incidents. But in the case of Mansour, we noticed that the trial continued 6 court sittings and the court convicted him based on the testimony of a number of security personnel and employees of the ruling party, making most of these testimonies questionable and confirming that the case had been politicized.
- The human rights and political and media activist Abdel-Rahman Al-Samti (South-Yemen) is still undergoing an imprisonment for 3 months in the capital of the province of Lahj (South-Yemen). Al-Samti faced a number of charges including the establishment of a forum for supporters of “Al-Ayyam” newspaper and publishing in banned magazines.
- In July 26th, Al-SAmti was admitted to Ibn-Khaldun Hospital due to the deterioration of his medical condition. He was kept in the hospital two days and returned to prison despite warnings from doctors on the seriousness of his condition and his need to stay longer for hospitalization.
- Alsamti confirmed several times that his case is a political case and that he only practiced rights that are guaranteed by the Yemeni Constitution. He also stressed in this con**** that his trial is a part of overall repressions the southern activists had been experiencing for a long time.

- The political and media activist, editor of the electronic network “the Gulf of Aden” and Chairman of the Al-Taghieer (the change) organization in Aden, Salaah Al-Saqladi (South-Yemen) is still under arrest since June 18th is still arrested by the Yemeni authorities. Until now, Al-Saqladi has not been brought to trial or even charged with anything.
- The authorities are also still detaining the media activist Fouad Rashid (South-Yemen), editor of the site (Mukalla Press) and member of the e-Yemeni Journalists Syndicate for more than two months. Recently he was transferred to Sana’a and jailed there with another media activist, Ahmed Hussein Al-Rabizi (South Yemen) who was arrested in Aden previously and transferred later to Sana’a. He also was not brought to trial or charged with anything.

southforever 2009-09-05 12:09 AM

مجهود رائع جدا من الاخوين فتحي بن لزرق والاخ جنوبي الله يوفقكم امين يارب

Ganoob67 2009-09-05 02:43 PM

و هنا الجزء الأخير....

- The editors of the southern newspaper “Al-Tareeq” complaint about diverse harassments they have been exposed because of the news coverage about the events occuring in the southern governorates.
- The Civil Society Organizations, journalists and human rights activists conducted throughout July numerous of sit-ins in solidarity with journalists, and freedom of the press and to demand aloowing the newspaper "Al-Ayyam" to resume publication.
- In July the last issue of the independent, weekly newspaper "Al-Diyar" (issue number 101, dated 2 August) was confiscated by the Yemeni Ministry of Information.
- A lot of Yemeni Newspapers complain about the absence of press freedom and permanent encroachment by the Ministry of Information and members of public authorities. State organs confiscated newspapers without reference to applicable lows or they forced newspaper to stop publishing end in April this year but allowed them later to resume publication after the creation of a central court in Sana’a, specialized in publication issues, which was considered by the majority of the people including the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate as restriction of press freedom. The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate called in a number of proclamations to cancel this court and requested from the Yemeni Information Minister Hassan Al-Lawzi to stop targeting the press and journalists.
- The newspaper “Al-Ayyam”, the oldest and most popular independent newspaper, is still suspended because of the arbitrary acts taken by the government local authorities in Aden who confiscated parcels of the newspaper on May 2nd and bar the editors from publishing the newspaper and finally an armed aggression by the security forces against the headquarters of the newspaper and the home of its owners and publishers causing a death of one person and injuring of 3 others.
- The situation of the electronical media also did not experience any improvement in July, many news websites and forums are still hidden from browsing inside Yemen. The following are some sides that are still blocked: Al-Ayyam, the Yemeni Council, Forums Sout Al-Janoub, Al-Masder online, Al-Manbar net, Aden press, Forums Shabab Al.Janoub, Al-Taif, Shabwa press, Al-Mukall press, Al-Tagheer net, Gulf of Aden net, Forums Aldhalii bawabat Al-Janoub, Forums Qalb Aden, and others more
- Blocking news websites, discussion forums and chat rooms is an encroachment upon the right of individuals on information and exchange of information and it is an encroachment upon the private sphere.
- It has been observed recently very intensive activities of the Yemeni Ministry of Communications and its representative (Tele-Yemen), which is the provider of telephone and internet services in Yemen, to block or web sites.


- Coming to the end of this report in trying to monitor the most important violations of human rights in Yemen within one month, we can only conclude that July 2009 was one of the worst months regarding human rights in Yemen. The human rights violations continued to increase and the whole situation in Yemen is not reassuring at all. What happens is a blatant violation of all rights guaranteed by international conventions and international laws as well as local laws.
- We appeal to the Yemeni government to reconsider all actions and measures taken and to respect and stick to all signed conventions and agreements in which the government committed to maintain the maximum rights and freedoms that governments have to guarantee for their citizens.

Herewith, we call the Yemeni government to:
- cease all violations of the right of individuals to express their views in a peaceful and civilized way.
- respect the freedom of the press and ensure the freedom of expression, allow the newspaper "Al-Ayyam" to resume publication and withdraw all adjudications against journalists regarding press and publication cases.
- cancel the central court in Sana’a specialized in publication issues as it is a restriction of press freedom.
- Stop the threats and prosecutions of individuals because of their political activities and ensure their security and personal safety.
- pay salaries and pensions of all those, whose salaries or pensions were cut and return to work all those who were suspended due to their political activities.
- enable prompt investigation of all issues related to the violations against individuals participated in demonstrations who were detained and experienced several violations during detention.
- release all political detainees or bring them to trial enabling fair trials.
- instruct unblocking of websites including news websites, discussion forums and chat rooms also ensure facilitation of exchange of information and the right of access to it.

The End

This Report was prepared by Fathi Bin Lazraq
Email: [email protected]
Journalist and human rights activist
All Rights Reserved to “The centre of monitoring human rights violations by the Foundation to support Arabic women's- and youth’s interests in Aden”.
Translated by: Ganoob67

Ganoob67 2009-09-05 03:02 PM

الأخ الكريم فتحى...
لقد أنتهيت من ترجمة التقرير الشامل و هناك بعض الملاحظات البسيطة ياريت تأخذها في عين الإعتبار....

- هناك أخطاء مطبعية بسيطة و قليلة في التقرير و لكن إذا كان هناك إمكانية لتصحيحها ياريت يتم ذلك!!
- أنا صححت في الترجمة عمر الشهيد عمر الصبيحي 17 عاما بدلا من 20 ياريت يتم ذلك أيضا في النسخة العربية.
- هناك ملاحظة من بنت الشعيب عن الاخ سالمين بمنتدى شباب الجنوب بما لديه من اضافات حول الانتهاكات في حضرموت يا ريت يتم إضافتها هنا حتى نترجمها و نقدمها للجهات المعنية.
- ياريت يتم الإشارة إلى موضوع الدكتور حسين العاقل الذي تم إعتقاله لأنه كشف في كتاباته موضوع نهب النفط في الجنوب و كان لازال معتقلا في شهر يوليو.
هذا التقرير و الترجمة المصاحبة يجب أن يكونا نواة لرصد إنتهاكات حقوق الإنسان و تقديمها بشكل دوري للجهات المعنية عربيا و دوليا مع إضافة الإنتهاكات المستجدة.
في الأخير لدي طلب لكل من يجيد الإنجليزية بقراءة الترجمة و موافاتنا بأي ملاحظات أو إضافات.

و بالله التوفيق....

افراح علي سعيد 2009-09-05 05:07 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ganoob67 (المشاركة 158642)
الأخ الكريم فتحى...
لقد أنتهيت من ترجمة التقرير الشامل و هناك بعض الملاحظات البسيطة ياريت تأخذها في عين الإعتبار....

- هناك أخطاء مطبعية بسيطة و قليلة في التقرير و لكن إذا كان هناك إمكانية لتصحيحها ياريت يتم ذلك!!
- أنا صححت في الترجمة عمر الشهيد عمر الصبيحي 17 عاما بدلا من 20 ياريت يتم ذلك أيضا في النسخة العربية.
- هناك ملاحظة من بنت الشعيب عن الاخ سالمين بمنتدى شباب الجنوب بما لديه من اضافات حول الانتهاكات في حضرموت يا ريت يتم إضافتها هنا حتى نترجمها و نقدمها للجهات المعنية.
- ياريت يتم الإشارة إلى موضوع الدكتور حسين العاقل الذي تم إعتقاله لأنه كشف في كتاباته موضوع نهب النفط في الجنوب و كان لازال معتقلا في شهر يوليو.
هذا التقرير و الترجمة المصاحبة يجب أن يكونا نواة لرصد إنتهاكات حقوق الإنسان و تقديمها بشكل دوري للجهات المعنية عربيا و دوليا مع إضافة الإنتهاكات المستجدة.
في الأخير لدي طلب لكل من يجيد الإنجليزية بقراءة الترجمة و موافاتنا بأي ملاحظات أو إضافات.

و بالله التوفيق....

شكراً اخي ومجهود اكثر من رائع كنا بحاجة اليه ..بالنسبة لكل الملاحظات التي طرحت تأكد انها سوف تورد ..الان نحن بصدد تجهيز التقرير لشهر اغسطس وسوف يكون شامل للانتهاكات لهذا الشهر والاخ العزيز فتحي بارك الله فيه متيقظ ومثابر وطالما لدينا امثاله وامثالك فنحن بخير وخطواتنا تسير بشكل صحيح لان الجنوب بحاجة لتكثيف كل الجهود ..ونحن على استعداد ان نقدم كل ما في وسعنا لاخراج مثل هذه الاعمال التي تخدم قضيتنا وسلمت يدك وحماك المولى ايها البطل ...

ابو غيث 2009-09-05 08:10 PM

اخي جنوبي 67 ما قمت به مجهود اكثر من رائع تشكر علية محابتآ بالاستاذ فتحي بن لزرق والاخت الاستاذة بنت الشعيب بارك الله فيكم الى الامام واسأل الله الا يحرمكم الاجر وان يتكلل هذا العمل بالنجاح في الهدف والمضمون

فتحي بن لزرق 2009-09-07 12:49 AM

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

العزيز جنوب 67 شكراً لك من القلب الف الف شكر يعجز اللسان عن شكرك
وبارك الله في جهودك ومتعك بالصحة والعافية
الحمدلله شخصياً راضي كل الرضا عما حققه هذا التقرير خصوصا بعد نشر عدد من الصحف المحلية له كاملاً
مثل صحيفتي الوطني والقضية
ولكن وجود نسخه مترجمة سيكون اروع وعمل عظيم جدا

لك في الخاص مني رسالة خاصة



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