المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : يقوم بحل جميع المعادلات الرياضية بسهولة Ultimate Maths solver UMS

Dhala Software
2007-12-03, 09:27 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

يقوم هذا البرنامج بكل بساطه بحل جميع المعادلات الرياضيه بكل سهوله مهما كانت صعوبتها


What is UMS?
UMS is a software package which, until now, students could only dream of.

UMS solves any given problem, either one taken from a ****book or just invented on the spot. Moreover, UMS explains each step of the solution to the problem. According to your choice, UMS may speak different ***************, according to your choice or just keep silent.

In general, there are a great many reasons why a student may have difficulty in assimilating a given mathematics lesson well. UMS deals with each of these difficulties, completely reconstituting the style of problem solving as taught in school. UMS produces the solution step by step on the computer monitor, accompanying the solving process with a professional teacher voice in your ******** of choice





باسورد فك الملف www.aldhala.com/vb/

صقر الجنوب
2007-12-03, 10:04 PM
مشكوووووووور يالحبيب
لوكان جاء يوم كنا نحسب بالاصابع في المدرسه كان بيقع له شغل ههههههههه
مجهود رائع اخي سوفت وير يفيد الطلاب في كل المراحل وربنا مايحرمنا منك

2008-09-07, 02:01 AM
thank you so much